Monday, February 28, 2005

So, I got death threats about the last one and I was accused of trying to start a war so I'll try to keep this blog ethnically neutral. FYI: That last entry was not at all serious and was just a joke stemming from a funny conversation among friends. And I'm Irish, too so I don't hate Irish people! I just like pasta! Anyway....I'm Henry VIII I AmHerman's Hermits(Murray/Weston)- written in 1911- popularized in England by Harry ChampionI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am Im Henry Viii I Am LyricsArtist: Herman's HermitsI'm Henry VIII I AmHerman's Hermits(Murray/Weston)- written in 1911- popularized in England by Harry ChampionI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am Second verse same as the firstI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am------ lead guitar ------I'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I amH-E-N-R-YHenry (Henry)Henry (Henry)Henry the eighth I am, I amHenry the eighth I amYeah!
Hope this blog was not offensive to anyone. It may have been obnoxious, but that's better than offensive. By the way, the "Henry" is pronounced "Henery." So don't go singing any two-syllable Henrys because you'll just look crazy. Coming soon to this blog: my theory on killing puppies!


Anonymous said...

You are so weird.

Anonymous said...

nice elise... can i call you henery the eighth now? yes. oh and that other annonymous is a poser (i know theres a u in there somewhere but i just dont know where). im the real slim shady...