Balingo Baggo: The Early Years
One stormy night in Jesus, Wyoming, a bouncy baby boy was born. It happened in a large open cow field. The baby's mother, Winifred, and his father, Johnjacobjingleheimerschmitty (his name was my name too) were very proud of the new life they'd created and therefore named him the most glorious name they could think of: Balingo Baggo. Now keep in mind that Mr. and Mrs. Baggo were Wyoming rednecks, had mullets, and sold stolen ostrich eggs to the cow farmers. Anyway, they doted on and cared for young Balingo the best they could, giving him the best dairy products around. Little did they know that thi child would grow up to be one of our time's greatest thespians.
Balingo's childhood was a happy one. It was filled with laughter and sunshine poogle bears. His fondest memories were spent with his friend, a goat named Sneezy, who was dead. Balingo's favorite pastimes were shooting fish in a barrel, chasing cars and barking madly, and designing the latest fashions for cow utters. What led him to acting was his love for Laverne and Shirley. He would watch that show with undying devotion. After the show was over, he and Sneezy would reenact the scenes and laugh for hours. His parents noticed his talent for acting and enrolled him in the Bubba Bob Joe's Skool of Actin'. Balingo was delighted to attend and joined with joyful eagerness. However, poor Balingo couldn't seem to find his place among the other students. He was made fun of daily and the children called him Ba-bimbo. Despite all of this, Balingo was true to himself and continued to go to the school with a desire to act. But then he got kicked out because he flunked all his courses.
Although his spirit was dampened, Balingo's love for acting never faltered. He continued to reenact scenes from TV shows and became better and better at acting. As he got older he began to sing theme songs from shows like "Married With Children," "Mad About You," and "D'ffrent Strokes." His parents noticed he had a great singing ability and enrolled him in "Bubba Bob Joe's Singin' School." Balingo was so pleased to join that he stopped talking and only sung. Balingo found friends at this school and had them over to his shack quite often. Sneezy became insanely jealous and committed suicide by jumping off the tin roof. Oh wait...he was already dead. Never mind. Anyway, Balingo seemed to have found his niche. He did very well in the singing school and got good grades and many awards. But then he got kicked out because he didn't shower and smelled like a decomposing giraffe.
Keep checking in on the blog for more Balingo!
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