This is my fourth week in Vail. Though I still don’t love it, it is growing on me, or rather, I’m finding ways to tolerate it. Through work, I got a free gym membership, so lots of my free time is spent there. But don’t be tricked into thinking I’m going to come back from
I’m also starting to bond better with the people here. Though I still don’t fit in (and likely never will) I’m finding common ground with the Coloradans. I’m trying out some of the outdoorsy stuff, which more often than not ultimately proves my original conviction that I suck at most athletics, but I’m always glad I at least tried it.
For example, I went hiking the other day thinking, “I hike in
Another attempt at outdoorsyness was horseback riding. Shauna, a coworker whom I’ve been hanging out with, knows a guy who takes care of horses for some wealthy dude who’s never around. She got me the riding hookup and she and I headed out to Eagle to do some trail riding. I hadn’t ridden in 5 years and didn’t realize how much I missed it until I got around horses. When I had horses, I never wore a helmet, but I decided to forego my already miniscule cool factor and wear my bike helmet while riding. Thank goodness I did. There were only two horses, so Victor (Shauna’s friend) rode one, I rode one, and Shauna ran alongside (since she’s a Coloradan, she has the power to run alongside horses). Shauna went ahead on the trail to take a picture of the horses as they ran past. The horses started running in a full gallop, but when my horse saw Shauna, he spooked and started zig-zagging. I fell to one side of him, but was still holding on. I tried to hoist myself back up as the horse kept running, but given my lack of upper body strength and the horse’s speed, I fell off. While this was happening, the horse behind me lost his rider. After falling to the ground, the last thing I saw before temporarily blacking out was the other horse sans rider running towards me. He ran over me and kicked me in the head, breaking the helmet. After the dust cleared, Shauna ran over to me to see if I was ok. I had a headache, some scratches and bruises, but I stood up and was fine. No concussion, no bleeding. Thank God I was wearing a helmet! I got back on the horse and cautiously rode back to the barn. I’ll be riding again next week. I've fallen off before, broken my arm, got clothes-lined by a tree branch, but this was a first for being kicked in the head. Hopefully that was my only near-death experience this summer.
The last time I wrote, I only had one housemate. Now I have three. Andy shares the upstairs with me and shares my disdain for
Being the only girl in the house is actually not too much of a problem anymore now that I am talking to the other girls in the office. I thought that all this time around boys would give me insight into the opposite sex, but it seems to be converting me to their ways. Don’t worry, my hygiene is still up to code and I am not wearing baggy pants with baseball caps. But in a conversation with Andy the other night he said with the best of intentions, “You’re not really like a girl. I mean, I know you’re a girl, but you’re kind of cool like a guy.” Thanks? Here I thought that this summer was teaching just how girly I am, but it turns out that I’m just a dude in a dress.
There’s nothing else that new to report. Between the gym, work, and housemates, I’m finding distractions to keep me busy. In July, I will be going to LA to visit Emma, so that should break up the summer nicely. Until then, I’ll just be proving to the fine state of