dear elise,
my bed smells of girls...allright!
ps. haha, jk, that sounds sick and disgusting
pss. update your blog!
dear amish,
if you do not update your blog soon, i will not be friends with you anymore...this means no kangaroo scrotum for you.
Note: Jess and I were in Tomas's bed. Tomas was not in Tomas's bed. Therefore, nothing skanky was going on. Though, Tomas is still a pimp. This one time, Caitlin and I went to the movies with Tomas and some other people and we didn't have money or something, so Tomas paid for our tickets and we kind of forgot to pay him back, so he kind of took us both on a date at the same time I guess.
Other Note: Metzger went to Australia and I made her promise to bring me back kangaroo scrotum, which I have wanted since junior year of high school. I really have no explanation for this
Classes are over, finals start next week, and I am almost half-way done with college. Holy crap, that is scary! What's even more frightening/exciting is that I'm going to be living in Rome in just a few short months! EEEEEEE!!!!!! This summer, I'm going to prepare by speaking Italian with old Italian men who live in North Hill in Akron and my mom is going to teach me how to make pasta. She has also insisted that I start drinking wine this summer, so that I am prepared to appreciate the fine products of the Italian vineyards. Whateva.
I went to Pig Toastal again this year. You may recall from a previous post that my experience at Pig Toastal last year ended with my special pink cup getting stolen. This year, I didn't even get a special cup because by the time I got there, they were all out! But, other adventures were to be had. Caitlin and I were waiting in the line to get into the party (yes, there was a line, because you had to get checked off a list by one of the bouncers) and we decided that we really had to pee. Nearby establishments had signs declaring that no public restroom use was permitted, so we spotted a nearby dental office and decided that we could use their bathroom. We opened the first door, no problem. The second door, however, was the issue. When I opened this UNLOCKED door, the building alarm went off, causing Caitlin and I to inconspicuously scream and run away. We panicked for a while about the cops identifying us via security cameras in the dental office or the cops coming to the dental office then driving down the street to bust up Pig Toastal, making the destruction of the biggest party of the year our fault. However, none of this happened and Caitlin and I proceeded to have a fabulous time, except for the horrific sunburn I got that I am still peeling from. Gross.
Other things I have not written about....Angela and I went on a sweet spring break to Floriday where we went to Disney World, Universal Studios, and Daytona Beach. This one time, we went to a beach and needed somewhere to change, but there were no public restrooms and we couldn't get into the bars, so we had to change in this really shady surf shack. I waited outside while Angela changed, and one of the shops "sales associates" was staring at a computer the whole time going "oooooh yeah. I love my job." When it was my turn to go into the bathroom and change, I checked for cameras. I didn't see any, but I'm not convinced that there were none. If you would like to know more about the trip, you should look at the pictures on my photobucket.
My Oma visited with my family this past weekend. She loves Notre Dame. She came wearing blue and gold. She's nuts. She was most impressed by the Dining Hall. She couldn't believe how much food there was. She would not approve of my starting every sentence with "she."
Recently, my facebook has had some relationship status activity. Don't get excited, I'm not really dating anyone. However, In the span of 24 hours, I went from being single, to an open relationship, to a relationship, to engaged, to married, to its complicated, and back to single. I've been busy. Barry Mills is the guy. He is a 59 1/2 year old bus driver from Australia. He is a real person, but Metzger controls his facebook. Barry's and my love runs as deep as the Outback is hot...which is very. Actually, maybe not, but whatever. The comments on my wall were pretty good.
I don't really want to rehash the past few months, because if you really care to know, you would have been talking to me during those months anyway. So instead of going over more of my life happenings, I'm going to fill out one of those annoyingly long surveys that asks ridiculous questions about my life that have no real significance. Enjoy!
Single or Taken: Single, though there has been some recent facebook activity with Barry Mills
Siblings: 1 younger brother, Alex
Eye color: brown
shoe size: 8 1/2
Height: 5' 5"
What are you wearing right now? sweatpants, my frosh-o t-shirt, leopard slippers. Hey, its finals week...almost
Kind of pants: ones that make my butt look good
Number: Depends on what I'm counting
animal: I like horses, though leopards are really pretty
Drink: juice, or water with lemon
Sport: to play--boxing, tennis to watch--speed walking
Month: July
Juice: cranberry (my girlfriend drinks cranberry juice when she's on her period. are you on your period or something?)
Favorite cartoon character: Angry Beavers, specifically Norbert
Have You Ever...
Given anyone a bath: no....
Bungee Jumped?: no, but i might be up for that
Made yourself throw-up?: no, but after eating a lot, i sometimes find myself wishing for a vomitorium
Gone skinny dipping?: yep
Eaten a dog?: NO!
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever? Brandy has
Broken a bone?: yes, my wrist
How?: Fell off my horse into a giant mud puddle
Played truth or dare?: duh, i had sleepovers growing up
Been on a plane?: yes
Came close to dying?: don't think so, but maybe i was and didn't realize it
Been in a sauna?: yes
been in a hotub?: yes, i have one at home!
Swam in the ocean?: yep
Cried in school?: one time in middle school during gym class, i got hit in the neck with an airborn hockey puck. It hurt like a mofo
Fell off your chair?: of course!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: haha yeah who hasn't?
Saved IM conversations?: yes! I still have Caitlin's from when she and I were getting to know each other the summer before freshman year! awwww
Saved e-mails?: umm yeah
Used someone?: yeah, but everyone uses each other to a degree
Been cheated on?: Not to my knowledge
What is...
Your good luck charm?: my family
New fav. song?: My Humps, the Alanis Morisette version
What is beside you?: my notebook for broadcast and cable class. I should be writing a paper right now
Last thing you ate?: trail mix. My grandma sends me a ton of it
What kind of shampoo/conditioner: Dove extra moisture
Ever Had..
Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: yeah, hasn't everyone?
Stitches: yep, in my chin
Broken nose: no marcia brady moments for me
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Long distant relationships? i mean, if two people really want to go for it, then go ahead. But I'm not the type of girl to waste my time spending hours on the phone or online talking to someone who I'll probably end up never speaking to again. Sorry, that was pessimistic, but the long distance thing just isn't worth it.
Like school?: Yes! official nerd here
Who was the last person that called you?: TOMAS! Hey! You got mentioned in my blog!
last person you slow danced with?: Wow, I don't know...actually, I think the answer is Mark Bond hahaha. Oh no, I haven't slow danced since before Christmas!
you smile the most?: no, I'm emo, or perhaps, ElisEmo
Do you like filling these out: soooo much
Do you have glasses or contact lenses?: both
Do you like yourself: most of the time
Do you get along with your family?: I adore my family!
Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive? no
Final Questions:
What did you do yesterday: Tuesday...hmmm...I went to class, watched Buffy with Caitlin, ate dinner with Oscar, did work, nothing to exciting.
Gotten any awards?: I'm a Notre Dame student...of course I got semi-meaningless overachiever awards haha
What car/truck do you wish to have?: A Lotus Elise/Ford Splash
Where do you want to get married?: Ohio, because its home....and my whole family lives there and I'm not flying everyone out to some island or whatever
Good driver?: ummmmm.....One time I left Castle Point to go back to campus and I somehow ended up back at Castle Point a half hour later. And senior year of high school, I got lost going to school (it was my first time driving there by myself, though)
Have a lava lamp?: Yes! it's purple!
how many remote controls are in your house?: far too many
When you last showered?:this morning
Scary or Funny Movies?: Funny!
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate fo sho
Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper?: gross neither
Skiing or Boarding?: i've never skiid and I don't know what boarding is
Summer or winter?: SUMMER
Silver or Gold?: All that glitters is gold
Diamond or pearl?: Diamonds are a girls best friend (my mother made me memorize this song when I was little and had me perform it on command. Because of this, I will have to marry someone very wealthy)
Sprite or 7up?: 7up yours
Coffee or sweet tea?: coffeeeeee
Phone or in person?: In person of course, unless the person I'm talking to has chronic bad breath
Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: Oldest and wisest
Today did you...
1. Talk to some one you like: yes!
2. Buy something: coffee, even though I'm on the edge of no flex points
3. Get sick?: nope
8. Talked to an ex?: i don't really do that...
9. Miss someone?: every day
Last person who....
10. Slept in your bed?: me....and when I woke up there was a construction worker literally right outside my window. So creepy!
11. Saw/heard you cry?: Mike Peterson because he found out that I can cry on cue and filmed me while he forced me to cry
12. Made you cry?: See above response. Peterson is nuts
13. Went to the movies with?: Tomas, Caitlin, Robbie, some other folks
15. Said "I Love You"?: my mom
16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: what the hell? no! time, my horse closelined me (ran under a tree that he could clear but I could not, so I hit the branch and fell off) I hit him and refused to give him treats, but he was cute, so I gave him some apples anyway. I could never stay mad at Leo.
18. Been to Mexico?: nah uh
19. Been to Canada?: yep
20. Been to Europe?: No, but I'll be living there come August (holy crap!)
21. Do you have a crush on someone right now: kind of, I don't really have crushes, I have distractions
22. What book are you reading now?: The Vampire Lestat
23. Best feeling in the world?: making someone laugh or hugs. Making someone laugh while hugging them might not be ideal, however
24. Future kids' names?: Lucia and Cyrus (my kids will get made fun of sooooo much)
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: I have a penguin and 2 dogs here. At home, I have way more. There's always a lot of animals in my bed
26. What's under your bed?: Boxes of stuff
27. Favorite sports to watch?: gymnastics or figure skating or equestrian or something girly like that
28. Favorite Locations?: Notre Dame's campus, my house, St. John's in the virgin islands, Epcot in Disney World
29. Piercing/Tattoos?: ears pierced, belly button pierced, and my mom and I are getting tattoos when she turns 50 (which, for her sake in case she ever reads this, is not for a very very very long time)
30. What are you most scared of right now?: o man, right this minute? failing exams. Overall? That's far too complex
31. Who do you really hate?: John Minser for putting this survey on his facebook, thus making me copy it and waste oodles of time filling it out. Just kidding. I don't really really hate anyone
32. Do you have a job?: I work as a monitor in the study room in the CoMo and over the summer I work at the retailer formerly known as Coconuts, FYE
33. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: I had a crush on Spike from Buffy. I didn't really have a chance with him
34. Are you lonely right now?: I am alone, but I am not lonely
38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?: Candle in the Wind (this is indirectly Mike Peterson's fault)
39. Have you ever played strip poker?: yes
40. Have you ever been beaten up?: I box, does that count?
42. Have you ever been on radio/TV?: ooooooo yeah. NDTV, baby!
44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you?: of course
What's the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: looks, more specifically, face. *Note to John Minser--there is no way you can first notice wit about the opposite sex. First notice? Really? Upon just meeting them? You are WRONG.
Your Favorite Food?: I like ice cream
Hair color?: brown, occasionally red or fuscia or purple
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yeah
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?: i don't like popcorn
Dogs or cats?: both! i love animals
Favorite Flower?: hyacinths...they are odd and smell good, just like me
Have you ever fired a gun?: a BB gun at an aluminum can in my backyard
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: If I'm going somewhere far away, yes
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1