Friday, February 23, 2007

If Only My Hair Was As Pretty

It turns out that some fellow MPSers (namely Oscar and Mike Peterson) read my blog occasionally. Oscar's reaction was wanting to know who "Mr. Secret", mentioned in the last post, was. Ironically, MPS writers are the exact people I was trying to keep this secret from. Mike's reaction to my blog was "I would never write the stuff about my life that you write about yours." So Mike pretty much thinks I'm a blog slut, because I put it all out there. Mike's blog would look something like this:
Hey kids! I like liberal politics. I really like las cosas espanolas. My hair is SO PRETTY today! Watch the Mike Peterson Show!
Ok, Mike's blog would probably be a lot deeper than that and a lot less shallow than mine, but that is a semi-accurate summary.
Anyway, so Oscar kept bugging me about "Mr. Secret" (or Mr. E...get it? Mystery? no? ok) but I refused to tell. Then Mike saw Mr. Secret and I in the dining hall together on Valentine's day. Shoot. I tried walking past Mike, but Mr. Secret stopped to chat. Boys are dumb. Its not that I care that people know, its just that I knew what would happen when they found out and I was right. Mike made fun of me. A lot. I would make fun of me, too, if I were him. But I'm not him. My hair isn't that awesome. Mike told Oscar and they both laughed and laughed and laughed. Its not like anything real is going on anyway. He's anti-commitment and I'm dating the Mike Peterson Show (and as Oscar pointed out, I'm anti-commitment, too, but that's only because I'm busy). So the jigg's up, the cat's out of the bag, etc. Moving on...
The Legends show was amazing, though the week leading up to it was hell. I had tonsillitis, 2 exams, a video production project, and countless hours of editing. But when I saw the final show and everything came together, it was amazing. Thanks to all who came to the show! To those who didn't, we're probably not speaking anymore. Just kidding. Kind of.
The Bengal Bouts started yesterday and I was on sweaty boy/gear duty. The bouts are always cool to watch, but they make me jealous because girls boxing gets only a small fraction of the turnout and not even close to the amount of hype. Oh well, I won't even be here for boxing next year.
Why won't I be here, you might ask? Because in the fall semester....
I'M GOING TO ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait! I'm so incredibly excited! WOOT!

I'll end on that happy note.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Someone, please rip my tonsills out

It's been a while.
Between November and now, a lot has happened (obviously--its been 4 months!). I fought in the bouts again. I lost in a split decision, though I still think I should have won. My cornerwoman was Adria, who almost went pro in boxing. She thought I should have won. I'll go with her judgement call.
I got some very big news and found out that I will be the new host of the Mike Peterson Show once Mike Peterson graduates. I've already started as headwriter (time consuming and somewhat stressful, but so much fun--I mean, I'm making comedy!). So starting in the fall, I will be the host of my own TV show! Hooray! I think I might call it "The Mike Peterson Show with Elise Yahner." Oscar was made producer of the show, so he shares half the power. His job is probably more important and he's so good at it. Together, we make a super team of comedy management.
Christmas break was lovely. I was so ready to go home, but oddly, I was not ready to go back to school when the time came. I really enjoy just being home and spending time with my family. I'm such a nerd.
Over break I went on a service trip called Urban Plunge where I spent time with the homeless in Pittsburgh. It was a good trip, and Pittsburgh is a beautiful city.
While at the orthodontist over break, the doctor, an OSU grad, made a point of telling me a joke while there were metal utensils in my mouth, making it impossible for me to retort. The joke was "What do Notre Dame and marijuana have in common? They both get smoked in bowls." Oh Dr. Belli, your wit is as sharp as the dental hygenists fake talon-like nails.
Notre Dame did lose the bowl game, but that same day, I turned 20. I was actually pretty depressed about turning 20. I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm a 20-something. I'm adult-like. If I do something cool like write a book or win the Nobel Prize, it won't be as impressive. People won't be like "You were only 19?? Wow!" I'll just be another 20-something. Good thing I have no plans to win the Nobel Prize. The best part of my birthday was when Kelly called me exactly at midnight when it change to my birthday and told me to look up my name on YouTube. Its the coolest thing ever. You should check it out.
Over break, I went back to Coconuts (which is now FYE) to work. Bob is gone, Lindsey is gone, John is was all new people. I had to work all day on Christmas Eve, which kind of sucked, but it ended up not being too bad. Call me crazy, but I kind of enjoyed working at the Nut Hut this time. Jen, the manager, really likes me and let me play the first five NOW CDs and dance around the store. You can't go wrong with NOW.
This semester is going pretty well. Between NDTV and my video production class, I'm working with a camera a lot, which is pretty sweet. I've got an internship with Crocs, those really ugly shoes, for the semester. I get a free pair of those ugly shoes. Hooray. I should find out soon if I got into the Rome study abroad program. Until then, I'll be watching the mailbox like a hawk. There's also been a bit of drama this semester with some boys. I can't really talk about that here, because that would be rude, but the stalker is way out of the picture and I have a new thing going on that is kind of a secret. Scandalous!
This Thursday, the Mike Peterson Show is going to be live at Legends at 10:00. You should go. It's going to be funny. At the last Legends show, there was this creepy guy who was very intent on singing karaoke. He kept asking me and the other writers if we knew if it was Karaoke night. Every time we brought out a piece of camera equipment, he said "Is that the karaoke machine?" It was a little heartbreaking to have to tell him no each time. He stayed for the show, but only because he thought there would be karaoke afterwards. There was never any karaoke and I do not know if there ever has been karaoke at Legends. I hope that guy got to sing something eventually.
Last night, some writers and I went to see Jim Gaffigan's Beyond the Pale comedy tour. It was hilarious and we got to meet him afterwards. We ask him to sign something for MPS but instead he wrote "I love the Mike Peterson." No "show" at the end. I think this made it better.
This was kind of a lame recap of the last 4 months of my life. I'm pretty sure its been more interesting than what I've written here, but I could be wrong. The only reason I'm updating right now anyway is because I have a fever and tonsillitis, which sucks because I was supposed to film the Ben Kweller concert tonight. Oh well, let's just hope I'm better for the PE formal tomorrow!