This post is coming to you from Stow because I'm on fall break! Yippee!! It's strange, last year I wasn't too thrilled about leaving my new home to go back to Stow for a week. This year, I could not wait to relax in a big bed in a big house with no work. I guess the honeymoon is over for college.
My first story takes place in the men's dorm Sorin. There was a party in the quint with the theme of "I'm in love with a stripper" or more specifically the Duke lacrosse team. You can imagine the classy crowd this attracted. I went in my usual going out gear, but it appeared as if some of the other girls had forgotten to put on any gear at all, like pants. Yep, some girls came in just their lingerie (and none of them were Asian Chick). These girls were of course the ones who chose to stand in the windows above the crowd and dance for all to see. The best part of the night was probably when Journey's "Dont' Stop Believing" came on and the window strippers didn't know how to dance to such a slow song, but they didn't want to give up the coveted window display spot, so they just sort of akwardly swayed, hoping everyone would still be looking at them. Anyone, the nearly nude girls in the window is not what this story is about. I was dancing, as one might do at a party, when a fairly attractive young man joined me. During the whole akward getting to know you while permiscuously grinding against you, I found out this guy's name (Sal), his major (don't remember), his hometown (who cares?), and what he does for outside of classes (bagpipes...). As soon as he found out that I box, he made his move with a gem of a pick up line "Have you ever played Fight Night for Xbox? Because I have it in my room. We could go play my room...." Why I didn't jump him right then and there is hard to say, but I brushed him off for a while. He was persistent and for a second I actually believed that he really did just want to play video games. It was in that second that he grabbed my hand and led me out of the party and to his room. Don't worry, he was a gentleman about it and as we were leaving said "You sure your friends won't think your a whore if you leave with me now?" Nope, my friends will probably just think you slipped me a roofie. Once we got to his room, he made me take my shoes off before entering. A little strange, but ok. The carpet was immaculate. He puts on what may have been Justin Timberlake's new CD and says "Let's dance some more before we play the game." To my horror, in the midst of dancing, he turns his back to me, bends down to touch the ground, and snaps up. That's right, he did a bend and snap. And he was completely serious. Looking back, I should have made my exit then. Actually, I should have made my exit at the Justin Timberlake CD. Actually, I should have never entered, but then I wouldn't have such a fantastic story. After the bend and snap, Sal figured I was wooed enough by his smoothness and moved in for the kiss. This wasn't just any kiss. This was the craziest freakin' kiss of my life. Not crazy good like fireworks and head spinning. Crazy like he flicked his tongue up and down really fast before actually kissing me. This is why I will refer to him as Salamander from now on. After trying to tolerate this for a bit more, I decided to leave because "My friends are probably looking for me" which actually ended up being true. Sal was a little dissapointed because he found me "interesting and intriguing." That's cool. Of course the first thing I did when I got home that night was try to facebook stalk him, but I could not find him on facebook. I began to wonder if I had been given a fake name (it didn't really cross my mind that he might actually not have a facebook). To clear up the confusion, I asked a friend in the bagpipe band if he knew him. He said he did and I asked what his deal was. His response: "He's kind of a freak...sexually. I've heard stories." So I hooked up with a sexual freak. I sure know how to pick 'em. Is it really so much to ask for a guy who is fairly normal, not creepy, has a facebook, and wants to just openly date and not have a relationship? I guess the facebook part isn't really necessary. But he can't have a myspace.
I got my hair colored today. I debated for a long time about dying it blonde. I asked people's opinions and gave myself blonde hair in paint. I finally decided to just go for it. Unfortunately, the woman who does my hair said no. She gave some very convincing reasons and she's probably very wise, but one day, when I have time and money for the maintenace, I will be blonde. For now, I will be brunette with a hint of red.
The Mod Quad Halloween dance is coming up. I have a costume (a vampirate--a cross between a vampire and a pirate) but no date. So, if you meet some or all of the requirements for a boy described above, facebook me or something. Geez, that's desperate. I've been stalking this guy on facebook lately. He seems like a decent person and I talked to him once, so maybe I'll have Kelly hook me up SYR style. 'Cause that's not creepy at all.
My last little tidbit is that Metzger and I went to see Employee of the Month and Dane Cook is gorgeous in that rugged sexy way. Who knew?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
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