Metzger has been begging me for a new blog, and since I fear I have lost all other readership, I must answer her pleas
Sophomore year started with quite a flurry of events. I arrived at school and was thrown into the non-stop activities of Frosh-O. I have never lifted so many things in my life or had so much dorm spirit, but it was all good fun and Frosh-O is way better the second time around. I gave an especially warm welcome to the girls who came from Ohio because I felt a sort of bond with them, being from the drive through state and all. However, one girl was waaaay too Ohio for my liking. She popped out of the car with an OSU shirt on and a Brutus Buckeye plush. After the fiesta bowl disaster of last January, this was quite an offense. We told her to leave Brutus behind and run to the bookstore to pick up a leprauchaun, but she refused as the buckeye plush had been given to her by an ex boyfriend. EX boyfriend? If he's an ex, leave him and his school memorabilia in Ohio! But then she gave us some buckeyes and all was well.
After Frosh-O ended and I had to stop bossing around the freshmen (it feels weird treating them like equals instead of campers), school got underway. Boring business classes abound, but I do have an awesome history of television class and an Italian class. I'm sticking with the business so I have a job, and because I like saying businasty.
In case you were questioning certain facebook changes or you haven't already heard, Dan and I broke up after getting back to school. I could write down some Kelly Clarkson lyrics or go on a feminist rant, but I feel like the whole situation can be summed up by saying that I'm heartbroken for the first time in my life, it sucks, and its completely unfair. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened between the last phone call over the summer and the return to school and I don't want to talk about it here. Athankyou. (Coping devices such as ice cream, hugs, or voodoo dolls would be greatly appreciated)
But this only means I'm single, and goodness knows what exciting blogalicious adventures that might bring. Why in fact, just the other night I was at a party (the type where I pack myself into a smelly dorm room and shout at the top of my lungs so my refusal of beer offers can be heard). The location was Alumni and a dear old friend (more like some guy I met last year who I call up when I want something to do because he always has something going on) was throwing a party in his room. After standing there for a while complaining to the other girls about how lame this party was (nevermind how lame we were for actually going to it), someone asked me to dance. Or rather, he asked me a series of indirect questions as I gave the most vague answers imaginable. Now, I don't like saying no to people, at least not directly, because then I feel like a bad person. I know that perhaps vague answers may just lead them on and hurt them more in the end, but the point is I don't feel like a jerk and that's what's important. Anywho, this guy comes up to me and says, "Do you like dancing?" I vaguely respond "Sometimes" He says "Well what kind of dancing do you like?" I say, "Oh, I don't know, most kinds." Dude: "Do you enjoy dancing?" Me: "I don't know I'm not very good." Pursuer "Oh come on, I'm sure you're a great dancer." The pursued "No, I'm not that great at dancing." Reluctant Randy "Don't you ever dance?" Vague Vixen "Yeah I dance, but just when no ones watching." Guy: "Well would you dance with me" Me, giving in "ummmmm.....ummmmm.....ok" Let the akward bump and grind begin. I didn't even last an entire song before I said that I had to meet my friends somewhere. That somewhere ended up being 2 feet away in the corner of the room. A simple "no thanks" may be a better option next time.
Caitlin said I looked like a terrorist one night because I had my hair pulled back and I looked "exotic and dangerous". Yeah, I'm running low on blog material.
Football season has started again and its magnificent. I mean, did anyone else see that Michigan State game? Simply amazing! Anyway, for the other Michigan game (grrrr) 9 other girls and myself painted ourselves green. I never realized how much fun being green could be since Kermit gave it such a bad rap, but it was awesome. People kept stopping us to take our picture and to pose with us. I finally accomplished my dream of experiencing what it feels like to be one of the Disney World characters. However, being painted green is obviously bad luck and we can never do it again. One of the people who stopped us, though, was this young fellow with his grandfather. He said that his grandfather played football for Notre Dame in the 50s and we were so awed and amazed that we took several pictures with him. Once we walked about, I realized that the young fellow could have totally been making that up. He could have nabbed some random guy from an alziemers home and brought him to the game so he could claim that he was a football player and get an in with the cute green college girls. What a sicko. What a great idea. I'm totally doing that one day.
I'm sick again. This is probably just one of the many colds I will get throughout the year. I have no idea why my immune system seems to hate me. I take care of myself better than most college students, yet I can't seem to get over a simple cold. I've had my current cold for 2 weeks now and it's showing no signs of relief. I've begun joking with people that I have TB, which is what I did last year, and I am always surprised at the number of people who actually believe me. This is probably going to get me in the end and I actually will have consumption and no one will believe me until I'm coughing up blood and then it's too late. Was that too graphic? Sorry, I've been watching lots of Nip/Tuck episodes and have become immune to the gore.
NDTV is off to a great start this year. Since all the dorms have cable now, not only can I watch Flavor of Love whenever I want, but all the students have access to NDTV (channel 53)! Or more realistically, students pause on NDTV for 3 seconds while flipping channels, but hey, they know we're out there. The club is really growing and I'm learning how to edit, so a lot of my time is going into NDTV. Also, a lot of my humor is going into that, so you should really tune into NDTV instead of reading this because the show is probably a lot funnier. Or is it.....
I saw Asian Chick at the dining hall!!!!! I noticed that she had writing on her shirt, but I unfortunately was not able to catch a glimpse of it as I have terrible eyesight and refuse to wear contacts or glasses. Sorry, that was really anticlimactic, but you were excited for a second, weren't you?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
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