Twelve more days until I'm back at my home under the dome! I've waited all summer to go back, so of course, upon realization of this dream, I finally find things to appreciate around here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing that summer could be extended and I could spend another month in Stow, but I'm thinking that I should have appreciated it more. I get to sleep in a huge bed in a room all to myself. I get to lay out in the sun on a lovely deck in my backyard. I don't have to go to class. However nice these comforts are, though, I suppose I have had my fill of them. I miss my friends and what is the comfort of a bed when compared to the comfort of friends? Unfortunately, there are some things that I wanted to do this summer like go to Cleveland or take a bike ride with my dad, but I guess summer isn't complete without incomplete goals. I guess what really got me thinking about missed opportunities this summer was a fantastic evening spent with Metzger and Colleen. Actually, it was more like 12 hours straight with Metzger. It was probably the best night I've had this summer. It was one of those times that I just came away honestly thinking "I had fun!" instead of trying to convince myself that these people could replace my other friends. It's too bad that the three of us hadn't spent more time together this summer, but I'm going to blame that mostly on Colleen's lack of a driver's license and her living in Wadsworth.
Wow, that was a bunch of rambling nonsence. So I went to Boston a few weeks ago. It was a nice family trip. Saw the aquarium, ate in Little Italy, went to same quaint New England towns, got lost for 2 hours on the stupid Massachusettes roads (rotaries are the devil). The highlight of the trip for me was when a homeless guy called me a super model. He just wanted my money, but it still made me feel all warm and fuzzy. When I was out with Metzger and Colleen, a few of Wadstucky's finest men (meaning icky) looked the three of us over and said "You girls tell your boyfriends they are lucky guys." I am just getting the best compliments from the best people lately. Next thing you know, a truck driver is going to tell me I should be in them moving picture shows.
Metzger just left my house, actually, and is headed to a dairy farm in Idaho for an internship (she wants to be a vet). She will have no internet so she probably will not read this before she leaves, but in case she does, good luck and have fun with the cows, Metz! She's crazy.
Today was my last day at Coconuts. Wait, let me repeat that in a more appropriate manner. I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more annoying people talking about stupid music! No more having to make stuff up on the spot just to appease the customer's appetite for musical knowledge! No more Bob smelling like Fritos and cigarettes! I hate customer service! I'm probably going back over Christmas break...
This is probably my last post from Stow, unless something crazy happens and I just have to post it here so that Tomas and Metzger will get around to reading it in a couple weeks. Look for Boston pictures to show up on the photo bucket. I'm preparing for a week of drawn out good byes, complete with a family pontoon boat ride. And in case my Mom decides to read this (in a bold move of stupidity, I gave her the web address) I will miss home, and not just for its comforts, but for my family. And don't worry, Mom, I'll call you and email you just like last year. Though I can't promise that I'll call you every single time I drive and arrive at my destination safely. That's just little much. So long from Stow, everone.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
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