Sunday, June 25, 2006

Welcome to the Nut House

I thought that since I would have so much more time on my hands this summer, I would blog a lot more. This is not so. It seems thatin my lack of things to do, I have become lazier. I see that there is nothing to do, so I do nothing. I guess that's what summer is really about, though. That and acquiring some pimp status for the upcoming school year (pimp status=money). The way I go about getting my pimp status is, as you have read in my last post, by working at Coconuts, the entertainment store.
There are three managers that I work with. Jen is the head manager and she's pretty cool. Lindsy is a 5th year Kent State student and does not care about the store or selling CDs at all, which makes her the best manager ever. Unfortunately she is quitting in a few weeks. Bob is old and smelly due to his constant consumption of cigarettes, Fritos, and Mountain Dew Code Red. Though he is my least favorite of the three managers to work with, he is definitely the most interesting. He thinks he knows everything about music, when really, he's just an old stoner who believes that Laurie Anderson is one of the great artists of our time and that the people of Stow will enjoy hearing her play her cassette tape strung violin over our stereo system. Bob has called me a fetus on several occasions, in reference to my taste in music. He has a girlfriend whom he calls his "pooky la la" which I can only assume is due to the fact that she is imaginary, as I do not see anyone finding Bob desirable.
But enough about the staff, let's talk about the customers! My favorite frequenter of Coconuts is Myron. He comes in several times a week simply to talk. He never buys anything, though he does look for movies but once he finds them, always says they are too expensive. He recently got fired from Flynn's tires (Hoban folk, let's pause for a giggle at the irony) and now works at Speedy doing car maintenance. His parting words are always about what he is going to eat, which is usually a steak, though sometimes it is two giant buckets of everything from KFC. My favorite Myron moment is when he pulled up outside the store and honked his horn until Jen and I opened the door, after which he took a picture of us with his camera phone and drove away. You might think that Myron would get annoying, but actually, he annoys other customers more than he annoys the staff. One woman came in and bought a movie and Myron followed her out asking her if he could watch the movie with her. The woman left looking frightened and probably reaching for her pepper spray, but once she had gone, Myron said, "That lady is probably a hooker." She was dressed like a soccer mom and drove a VW. Definitely not a hooker.
While Coconuts may seem like a glamorous job with enough characters to start a prime time sitcom, in actuality, it sucks. I guess sucks is a strong word, but it is definitely not the most enjoyable thing in the world given it's boring, dingy atmosphere and near minimum wage. But hey, it keeps me busy this summer and it earns me that coveted pimp status.

Since I haven't blogged in a while, I have so much to catch you up on. I actually just got back from a four day trip to visit Dan on Long Island. It was by far one of the best times I have ever had, but it only left me missing Dan more and wishing I was back at my home under the dome. But I feel that Coconuts craziness and my New York excursion are too much to put into one post so I will probably have a New York post in by tomorrow, just so I can split it up for you. I don't want your eyes to get tired. See, I'm just that nice. Always thinking of you.