Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer in St. Ow

This blog is coming to you straight from Stow, OH, or as I like to call it "St. Ow." Trust me, it'll catch on. I got back last Saturday after a grueling week of exams and goodbyes. Leaving Notre Dame for the summer was harder than I thought it would be. It's not like going on summer break in high school, where there's no school and all your friends live close by. While the break from school work is very welcomed, I will miss my friends very much, seeing as they live in New York, Illinois, California, Connecticut, etc. Even some of my friends from high school won't be around, as OSU doesn't get out until later, and some are just staying at their schools for the summer. So looking at the summer from the vantage point of Notre Dame, it seems like a very lonely three months. But now that I'm back, it's not so bad. I still have Heather and Metzger will be back soon and hopefully there might be a Visor reunion (hey Rence). It's kind of ironic; I didn't want to leave home to go to college, but by the end of the year, I didn't want to leave what had become my home for the past several months to go back to my other home. But also like leaving for college, the worst part about leaving from college was the anticipation. Now that I'm back home, everything is cool. Spending time with my family is great, and I do enjoy living in a place where I can stick out my arms and not hit anything.
Even though I'm back in St. Ow (really, it's catching on, I swear) I have one last story from good ol' ND. I was at North Dining Hall (after a year, I can verify that North is indeed far superior to South) and standing in line for oriental stirfry. As I was waiting for mine to be prepared, I noticed the couple in line behind me. The whole time the girl was putting her vegetables on her plate, the guy with her was holding her, stroking her, doing everything he could while still giving her complete vegetable choosing capabilities. As soon as she had picked her stirfry ingredients, she turned to face the guy and the two proceeded to make out. I politely looked away, not wanting to spoil my apetite for some Chinese Traditional I had just prepared. The poor girl working the stirfry line had to ask "wrap or rice" several times before the girl de-suctioned herself from the guy's lips to respond, after which, they went right back at it. Curiosity got the best of me (and my stirfry was taking a ridiculously long time) and I looked over. The girl pulled away just enough that I saw who she was. Are you guys ready for this? Ready? READY??? Ok. It was ASIAN CHICK! Just when I thought I had lost her forever, there she was, right behind me in the stirfry line, sucking the face off one of her clients. Perhaps I am being judgemental and this lucky fellow was her boyfriend. This is entirely possible, seeing as she wasn't wearing her usual work uniform of shirts that screamed "DO ME." She was wearing a simple white tank top with no writing at all. I admit, after my initial elation at the Asian Chick sighting, I was dissapointed to see she had given up her former life for a steady boyfriend. But I guess it is somewhat symbolic. As the year comes to a close, so do the legs of my favorite ND student.
Well, that's all for now. I now have a job at Coconuts music store, which is pretty sweet so far and will give me plenty of material for this blog. Apparently, all the Kent crazies frequent the Coconuts and I already have good stories, but that is for a later time. I'm off to buy a Web Cam to possibly shorten the distance between Long Island and St. Ow (seriously, isn't that catchy?). Web Cams are cheaper than cell phones, so get your mind out of the gutter. Web Cams just have a bad rap from misuse. And maybe by Long Island I meant Rupa! Ok, I meant Dan...