Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pig Mania

As Dana keeps reminding me every day via AIM, I need to update my blog. I hope I haven't lost any of my fan base (Metzger) since my last post. I need to start updating more frequently, but exams and the end of freshmen year (so sad!) are coming up and I'm afraid that after this post, you will have to wait until summer. Speaking of summer, if anyone wants to hire me for any job, that would be great.

Today was "Blue and Gold" day, meaning it was the day of the Blue and Gold game--a glorified football scrimmage accompanied by mass drunkeness. The day started out at 10 am with Pig Tostal, not exactly a school-endorsed function, but the name is a play on "Ann Toastal", the year's end festivities. Pig Tostal is a big party thrown by the swim team. It cost $10 to get in to help pay for the 70 kegs and the giant pig roast at the party. Basically, I paid for the plastic pink cup that was handed to me at the door, as I don't drink and I didn't stay long enough for the pig to be completely roasted. It was a beautiful day out and there were a ton of people, so it was a good time. Dana and Rupa took advantage of Caitlin and my aversion to beer and had us fill up our cups so that as soon as they were done with the first beer, we could hand them another one without the drudgery of waiting in line. Caitlin and I sauntered over, begrudgingly following the commands of our cooler friends, and eyed the keg awhile so as to figure out how it worked before shoving our neon pink cups forward to be filled with foamy goodness. I must admit, I felt slightly cooler holding the filled cup, but then ultimately less cooler when Rupa flipped out when she found out I had never even tasted beer before. Apparently, this whole year Rupa had thought I was a recovered party girl, turned good after deciding I didn't like the taste of naty light or the experience of waking up in bathrooms, unable to locate my bra or cab fare. Nope, my story isn't that good. I'm simply a recovered crack addict with an addictive personality, so I cannot have any substance of potential abuse. Just kidding, I'm simply a good girl, which in a strange way, makes me a rebel, but I won't bore you with my crusade of alternative lifestyle. Anywho, Rupa eventually handed me her empty cup, trading me for the full one. As I admired my $10 worth of pink plastic, stumbling, shirtless, painted boys came over to Caitlin, Dana, and I. Our empty cups offended them apparantly, as they quickly grabbed them to get us beer, which we repeatedly said we didn't want. But they insisted, made off with the cups, and proceeded to call us losers, complete with the thumb and pointer finger in the shape of an L on the forehead. Classy. That's not even the worst part. They assumed we were from St. Mary's. At this point, we walked away, refusing to tell them where we really lived. Unfortunately, walking away resulted in a loss of our pink cups. It was a five minute tragedy. Caitiln was so upset that she lost her cup, that on our way out of the party, she grabbed an abandoned one on the sidewalk. In the cab, someone asked Billy what he did with his cup. He said he didn't know what he did with it and he must have set it down somewhere. Caitlin stole Billy's cup. And that is why she is a rebel.

Only 2 more weeks of school. I don't think I can stand it! Part of me is looking forward to being home and not having homework and being able to relax. But once I'm sick of relaxing, what will I do? My plan this summer is to get as cut/buff/jacked as possible so come boxing season, I'll be a beast in the ring, or at least a very ferocious house cat. Hopefully a job will pull through (I put an application everywhere in Stow) so I won't be too bored. Maybe I'll write a novel or watch every crazy movie I can find at the video store. And there are a lot of crazy movies at the video store. Metzger and I are particularly good at picking them out. We watch movies you have never heard of and probably never will, but are so good that you can't get them out of your head. Why these movies aren't mainstream, I will never know. Actually, it's probably because they have more controversial, dark humor than most movies, but we should embrace this humor. Might I recommend "Pretty Persuasion" or "But I'm a Cheerleader" both excellent films. I should know. I'm a film major.

The season finale of "Late Night ND" is this Thursday at Legends at 10:00. You should come. I'll be in a skit as a whore, again. But this time, I really whore it up. I'm actually playing a brothel matron, the brothel being the practice rooms in Crowly Hall of Music. Shooting this was oh-so fun (insert sarcastic tone). I was decked out in red lipstick, mini skirt, high heels, leapord midrift baring tank top, and fish net hose which I pulled up high enough to cover my stomach. This was not a problem until professors and small children started walking around. When I was picking out the outfit, I had forgotten that other people would be existing at the same time as I wore this get up. People stared, but I assured everyone one of them that, despite the cameras, cigarettes, and condoms, we were not shooting a porno. After the shoot was over, I could not wait to get changed into normal clothes. Of course none of those professors walked by when I was in normal attire. The worst part is that once I got back to my dorm that night, I got an email saying that the sound didn't pick up and that we have to redo the shoot tomorrow. I hate dressing like a whore on Sunday. But anything for NDTV.

Aight' it's bedtime for me because I'm that cool. Enjoy your Ann Toastal or Pig Tostals or overblown scrimmages or whatever the kids are doing these days. See you in the summer.