Saturday, February 18, 2006

All the cool kids go to see Suburbia

Ah, Valentine's Day. The day devoted to love, flowers, candy--keeping the Hallmark company in business and making single people want to chug cyanide. My Valentine's Day was fairly non-traditional, because I got to kiss not only my boyfriend, but I also kissed another guy and had my butt grabbed by yet another. No, I did not go to another Zahm party. I had rehearsal. (FYI, the kissing and butt grabbing mean nothing to me--it's simply acting). In any case, I had a nice Valentine's Day. Though this is rather belated, in honor of the day, I will analyze one of John Casey Engelbert III's (his name was my name, too) poems. Mr. Engelbert is a terrific poet and will reach world fame someday with such lovely poems as "A poem by an emo kid." Here is his "A Poem of Love." I shall present my comments along the side in blue.

Love, love, oh it’s love, my dear love! From this stanza, we can see that

Songs of the night sing sweetly. Casey wants to be an astronaut and

Looking down from the stars up above, probably is a stalker, considering he

For you I reach – discreetly. speaks of reaching for someone, stealthily

What is this love? Casey is confused by his mixed feelings of

What is it that it tells me? cupidity and sleepiness, since he has been up

Could it be the end of the night, all night listening to LFOs "Summer Time Girls"

Or the innocence of a summer’s song?

I reach down inside, Casey is bullimic and is trying to make himself vomit

Deeper… Deeper… by sticking his finger down his throat, yet he just can't

But only to find do it. He can't reach his uvula, but only finds that his

A slope yet still steeper. throat slopes down deeper than he thought. He needs ipecac.

I call out in the night After taking the ipecac, Casey starts to hallucinate.

To that star shining so bright. Nevermind that ipecac is not a hallucinogenic.

It tells me to fight, He thinks he is a wolf and starts howling at the moon.

But no… No. He pulls a fight club and starts to fight himself, thinking

All strength is lost he is actually fighting Brad Pitt. He realizes that Brad Pitt

Either by cheap stratagem, is a beast and gives up. He makes some rude comments

Or forgotten purpose. about Angelina Jolie, but then realizes he is not
wearing pants and he doesn't know where he is.

So I leave you with this: Though Casey wants to be with the one he loves,

Give me just one chance. all bets are off if she can't dance.

And in the end, Casey enjoys getting his groove on at Legends.

I hope you dance.

Wow, Casey is an amazing poet. I hope this analysis has helped you to uncover the depth of his words.

Now for the shameless self-promotion....
SUBURBIA is next week, February 23, 24, 25 at 7:30 at Washington Hall. Tickets are $5 at the LaFortune box office. That's not a bad price, considering all you get to see in an hour and a half. This play is full of sex, drugs, and rock & roll (and I'm the sex). Everyone has worked very hard (those of you who live with me know this) and we have been rehearsing for four months, so the acting is spectacular, and the staging is great, too (Dana helped paint). The play is about 20 somethings in a New England town. These kids didn't go to college and don't have jobs. They have dreams that go no where, and they are basically wasting their lives. All this dreaming and getting no where comes to a head when their friend from high school, now a popular rock singer, comes back to visit. They all realize that their lives are meaningless, but don't know where to go next. The play deals with racism, sex, violence, smoking, drinking, swearing, and the meaning of life. The play is appropriate for college students because it gives you a glimpse into what would happen if we didn't pursue our goals or strive to accomplish anything. The play is funny, edgy, raunchy and promiscuous and is not shy of making the audience feel uncomfortable. And ladies, there is a very attractive male lead who strips to his boxers. Gentleman, trust me, you'll just like it. Please come to Suburbia, if for no other reason than I won't like you if you don't.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I Wanna Be Bad

The other day, while dining on the fine cuisine of North Dining Hall, a discussion was had among several young women about who is a badass. It was decided that Dana was a badass and that Angela was not a badass, but definitely fit in with the badasses. I chimed in and declared that I was a badass, which brought about rollicking laughter. No matter how many examples I brough up to prove my badassity, no one would concede that I am indeed, a badass. So I shall present to you the following reasons of why I am a badass.

  • I box
  • I have a theory about killing puppies
  • I have a thing for the Amish
  • Sometimes I do my math homework in pen instead of pencil. You can't erase pen.
  • I steal stuff from the dining hall and give it to my family
  • A couple times, I ran through the snow in nothing but a bathing suit
  • I have a rather large/sharp knife in a drawer in my room
  • I have poker chips in my room. I keep them next to the knife.
  • I drink coffee black
  • My eyes glow
  • I hate country music
  • In first grade, I pinched a girl until she cried so she would give me her hoolahoop
  • I recover quickly from falls, even when I'm on a cellphone when I hit the ground
  • My nick name in 8th grade was satan
  • I've eaten alligator meat
  • I have a leather jacket

I'm sure there are plenty other examples of my badassity/badassness but I think I've provided you with enough proof. I'm off to participate in some badass activities, namely innertube water polo to raise money for special olympics....oh yeah....sooooo B.A.