Saturday, December 31, 2005

I Don't Really Do Resolutions

I know I said I'd be posting a lot more over break, but I ended up being busier than I thought I would be. Christmas was good, saw some family, gave some gifts, got some gifts, ate some food. Lately I haven't really been doing anything terribly interesting. I saw Timmy and Margaret, which was really nice. I saw Metzger a few times, which was freakin' sweet because, as you all know, German butchers are the shizz. I saw Colleen, the nicest girl ever. How much I have missed her laugh! And last night I saw Amelia, whom I have known since kindergarten, and old friends are always fun to catch up with. And of course I've seen Heather, the coolest girl ever and probably my oldest friend, considering we've lived across the street from each other since I was 2. Other than that, I have been missing ND, but slowly getting used to sleeping in and chilling out. One habit that I have developed is talking on the phone until the wee hours of the morning (around 3 am), usually with a certain Knott fellow, whose identity I will keep secret to spare him any potential embarassment. In this blog, I will refer to him as Stan Flanders. For some mysterious reason, Stan is able to keep me on the phone for hours several nights a week and never run out of things to talk about and always making me laugh. He's just so gosh darn charming! These enchanting phone calls usually cause me to sleep in until 1:00 or so in the afternoon, totally screwing up my sleeping pattern and daily plans, but it's so worth it.

So tonight is New Year's Eve. My parents have friends over. My brother has friends over. I am in my room listening to the radio and typing this blog. It's not that I have no friends, it's simply that all my friends either have boyfriends or some other sort of plans. And actually, I have learned from break that while high school friends are good to reunite with, I really love my college friends. Ladies of 6A, I miss you guys like mad. It seems that you fall into a certain group in high school and grade school and you don't really choose your friends but just happen upon them. These friends are great because they know your past and you share a lot of experiences with them. But to me, it seems that you choose your college friends and really find the people you click with. These friends may not know your past, but they will be there in your future. Maybe this is just me. I'm just lucky that I've found such great friends already.

So yeah, back to New Years. Ryan Seachrist replaced Dick Clark for the first part of the New Years show this year. Why is Ryan Seachrist such a television personality? Does anyone actually like him? What are you supposed to do on New Years anyway? Reflect on the past year? Plan for the next? Get drunk and party like it's 1999? Well, I don't really like to plan ahead or get drunk, so I'm going to reflect. Here is my 2005

I turned 18. I have yet to vote, buy tobacco products, join the military, etc.
I went on a bunch of college tours and visits.
I was Editor in Chief of the Visor, therefore I spent every other weekend in the high school with good ol' Bro Joe, eating Subway and criticizing writing styles
I had a snuffing ceremony (go ahead and ask me about that one) and chose Notre Dame (best decision of my life)
Prom! Go ahead and laugh, but I thought prom was a great time.
I graduated from high school. Yay for Hoban class of 2005
I went to St. John's in the Virgin Islands--the most beautiful place on earth. I want to go back right now.
I spent the summer laying out in the sun, reading, and hanging out with high school pals.
I started to freak out about college as Bed Bath and Beyond became my new home. I bought everything in purple.
I had a graduation party. I went to many graduation parties
A long (1 year and 9 months) relationship finally ended
I went away to college
I met Caitlin, Dana, Angela, Jess, Rupa, and Pasquerilla East
I joined boxing and ended up sticking with it and having a great time
I became a writer/actor for the Mike Peterson Show
I went to some SYRs. Yay
I went home for fall break.
I got cast in the play "Suburbia" as Erica, a promiscuous publicist
I found out that high school friends and relationships really don't last forever, but it's really ok for people to grow apart.
I met some more great people
I survived exams
I went through a semester of college without drinking (yes, it's actually possible, you naysayers who didn't think I could/would do it)
I came home for winter break
Reunited with old friends

That's my year. It may not seem like much, but it was actually a great year. Here's hoping for a wonderful 2006! Happy New Year, everyone.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Oh, Hi!, o

I'm back home in Stow for a month. Woot. Actually, I'm starting to think that being home won't be as bad as I thought. Not that I ever though it would be bad because Ohio is the shizz (more discussion of this later), but I'm just missing my ND gals and guys. However, I have come to the realization that sleeping a lot, watching VH1 and spending time with the fam for a month (basically hibernating) will be pretty nice. Plus, exams are over! Hurray! The bad thing about the end of exams is the end of my little exam songs that I included in my away messages. Now, since I know you are all missing these little diddies, I'll post them all here. You're welcome!

(Sing to tune of "All I Want For Christmas is You")
I really don't want to study
But I've only got one test to go
I've got to keep on going
Even though my brain's about to blow
I just want to go to bed
To just lay down and rest my head
But now I've got to cram
Baby, I just want the end of exams!

(Sing to tune of "Gold Digger")
Now I ain’t sayin’ she’s a studier
But she ain’t dealin’ with no failed failed
Read now girl go ‘head read now
Read now girl go ‘head read now

(Sing to tune of "Money Money Money")
Study Study Study
Must be funny
In a smart man’s world
Study Study Study
Always sunny
In a smart man’s world
All the things I could do
If I didn’t have to study
It’s a smart man’s world

(Sing to tune of the them from "Gilligan's Island")
Just sit right back and you’ll start to study
To study for a big exam
You’ve been having your fun
So now you have to cram
The material is getting rough
Your brain’s about to burst
But you have to buckle down
Because failing is the worst
Yes failing is the worst

(Sing to tune of "Bye Bye Bye")
Don’t want to be a fool
Just gotta study for an hour or two
I may hate exams and it’s just not funny
Study Study Study!

(Sing to tune of "The Song That Never Ends")
This is the studying that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started studying
Not knowing when to stop
And they'll continue studying
Until their brains will pop
This is the studying that never ends...

(Sing to tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas)
We wish you a merry last exam day
We wish you a merry last exam day
We wish you a merry last exam day
And a happy winter break
May Good grades come to you
However much you studied
Good grades for this semester
And a happy winter break.

I would have written more, but I was busy studying last week. You'll just have to wait until May for more, I suppose.
Tonight, I went out with one of the coolest people I know--Metzger! Yay Metzger! After sharing some Swensons (mmmmmm) and seeing Walk the Line (I love me some Johnny Cash), Metz and I got to talking about what makes Ohio so great. I mean, whenever I tell people I'm from Ohio they usually just say "I drove through Ohio once. Nice rest stops." Ohio just seems to be seen as a state that's in the way of everyone's vacation destination, and Metzger is convinced that I got into Notre Dame through affirmative action because they needed some people from Ohio, but actually, Ohio has a lot to offer. So I thought I'd list them for all of you. Maybe after reading the list, you'll come and visit me. (Perhaps for my birthday? It's on January 3rd and everyone here goes back home before that, so everyone should go to Ohio.)

Ohio has the Pro-Football Hall of Fame. I've never been to it, but I hear it's nice
Ohio has the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. I've never been to it, but I hear it's nice
Ohio has Cedar Point. I've never been to it, but I hear it's nice.
Ohio is the Amish capital of the world. I always saw Amish families at the children's hospital I volunteered at because they would marry their cousins and have messed up kids.
Ohio has the most horses out of any state
Ohio is the friendliest state--Oh, Hi!, oh
Marilyn Manson, Drew Carey, Katie Holmes, Jerry Springer, and Macy Gray are from Ohio
Ohio really does have very nice rest stops
Ohio has part of Lake Erie. I wouldn't swim in it, but if you're into gross lakes, then the Erie Lake would suit you well
Cleveland rocks
There are some songs about Ohio
In Ohio, it is illegal to get a fish drunk
We have Columbus Day in Ohio because our state capital is Columbus...o wait, everyone has Columbus day...never mind
I live in Ohio
Ohio is shaped like underwear
Ohio is for lovers
If you write Ohio backwards it spells "Oiho" which isn't a word, but is fun to try to pronounce

Ok, I'm reaching at this point, but the first few were pretty good. So come to Ohio! It's not a drive-through state, though I think Wendy's did originate here. Maybe I should try to see some of those Ohio landmarks over break. Or maybe I should just sleep. I think I shall embarce my inner bear and hibernate.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


So I think I'm done studying for the night, and it's only 9:30, which is pretty awesome. Though, I did study for about 6 hours today. I decided that I would waste time by helping you to waste time, i.e. I'll update my blog so you can read it.

December 4th was the coolest, most awesome day ever: The Baraka Bouts. I walked into the gym and there was a huge boxing ring on a raised platform. This was a little intimidating. Before the match, I got pumped up by working on a bag, doing cals, and watching other people box. Yes, I was nervous, but this mostly came from a fear of tripping over the ropes when getting into and out of the ring, causing me to be too embarassed to throw a punch. Fortunately, this did not happen. We all got to pick nicknames for the match. Mine was "Glass Eye." Let me give you the summarized reason: When I was in 5th grade, I had eye surgery where the lenses in my eyes were replaced with artificial ones. The synthetic lenses catch the light in a strange way, making my eyes reflect light and "glow" like a cats when the light hits them right. So people think I have glass eyes. My opponent for the day was Christina "Why Can't We Be Friends" Lee. We got to wear uniforms and the satin robes, which was pretty freakin' cool, but since mine was the 16th fight out of 17 and there wasn't enough gear for everyone, I was wearing a lot of other people's sweat. Gross. The announcer calls my name and I enter the ring. The ref (who wore a bowtie) told us to touch gloves, the bell rang, and the match began. Now, just because this is girls' boxing doesn't mean these are pansy punches. Granted, they aren't as intense as the boys' bouts, but we girls are tough and throw are punches hard and straight. During the first round, Lee had me against the ropes for a couple seconds. During the break, my cornermen (yeah I had cornermen. I also had a stool and a spit-bucket) gave me some advice and I went back into the ring. The second round was pretty even and we both got our punches in. By the third round, I was running on adrenaline and still ready to fight. Lee was worn out, but kept going. She dropped her hands, and I made her eat my glove. This round was amazing. I kept getting her in the face and the cheers kept getting louder. She was getting shots in, too, of course, but I dominated the third round. The bell rang, and Lee and I hugged. That's the funny thing about women's boxing--everyone hugs their opponent. The ref quietly said to us that this was some of the best boxing he'd seen all day and that there was only a one point difference to decide the winner. And then, the announcer called out the the gold...Elise "Glass Eye" Yahner! Yay! I didn't expect to win at all, so this was an awesome bonus. Thanks to everyone who came to cheer the women's boxers on! And to those of you back in Ohio who thought I would/could never do it...WHAT NOW?!!!
Ok, enough of that. Notre Dame gives us the Thursday and Friday before the first Monday exam off to study. Yeah, study. These study days are the best days ever. Thursday night was the most awesome, intense, biggest snowball fight-no, war- I have ever seen. It just started out with the Mod Quaders playing in the snow. Then the snowball fight encompassed all of North Quad. After about an hour, someone shouted "Let's take on South Quad!" and all of North Quad stormed over to South Quad for an all-out snow civil war. North, dominated, of course, but the battle was intense. I have never tackled so many people or been tackled so many times. War brings out a side of people you never knew existed. Like sweet red-head Jess who loves inspirational quotes and would never hurt a fly. She pinned me face down in the snow and quietly, but maliciously said "Elise, this is your face and this is the snow. If you don't yell mercy as loud as you can, your face in going in the snow!" I screamed mercy but Jess only said "That's not loud enough!" She eventually let me go, but let me tell you, I am never messing with Jess again. The girls of 6A joined forces to bring down a few football players, and that was pretty awesome. But what was cooler was that Caitlin brought one (specifically Kevin Washington) down by herself. Afterwards we had high-fived a plenty and the like, a look of dread passed across Caitlin's face. What if she had inadvertantly injured a football player so close to the Fiesta Bowl? She would have to flee the school with people running after her with pitchforks and torches! However, it seemed impossible that she had hurt anyone, so this was brushed off. Her worst nightmare had seemed to come true during this AIM conversation with the lovely Dan Canders, who is Kevin's roommate. (Caitlin sent me this convo and titled it "convowithdanandjoeyaboutkevinwashington." I found this hilarious, as it was all one word)

Caitlin: I told my parents I tackled some football players. They've never been prouder
Dan: Yeah, well Kevin has a really swollen ankle and can't really walk.
C: Shut up, you're lying
D: I'm serious. He said the coaches are going to kill him
C: You're making me really nervous Dan! Shut up!
D: He's really hurt! This isn't funny!
C: You're a liar!
D: No I'm not! Ask Joey

Joey: Kevin's right ankle is really swollen. He may never be able to play again.
C: Joey! That's not funny!
J: I know. It's really quite depressing, in fact
C: I don't believe you guys!
J: You ruined the man's life!

C: He's not really hurt, is he?
D: Well not seriously. He can't really walk that well.
C: Dan, this is not funny
D: I wish it was funny
C: Stop Dan! You're totally lying!
D: haha damn it! ok he's fine

During this conversation, Caitlin looked up at me with those big sad brown eyes and said in a very serious voice, "I killed Kevin Washington." I about died laughing. So in conclusion, Caitlin can bring a football player down, but she (fortunately) cannot injure one.

Last night, I finished studying around 10:00 (woot, I rock!) and thought, "Ok, I'll go to bed at 11 since I have an exam at 8 am." As soon as the thought crossed my mind, Dan Canders says, "Hey, let's go to LaFortune!" Of coures, I say yes. And of course, I have such a good time that I completely lose track of time and end up not coming back until one. My joy at a good night suddenly turned to panic at the thought of having an exam in 7 hours. I woke up at 6:50 and left for breakfast at 7:00. I don't really remember doing this. I was tired. I realize that getting five hours of sleep is not so bad, but I'm used to getting a lot more and I think I might be a bear or something because I feel a strong urge to hibernate. Anyway, let me just present to you my half-awake stream-of-conscience at the dining hall.

It's still dark
Woah, I got the first tray off the stack
There are no lines
Does food exist this early?
Dana says there's a funny Phillipino man making omelettes
The card swiper lady is far too perky for such an early hour
Someone tells Dana she should go outside and watch the sunrise. Do people really do that?
The sausage doesn't look so disgusting this early in the morning. Blech, still tastes bad.
Dana's omelette is white. She said it's because it's albino
I hate it when people say "could care less" when they really mean "couldn't care less"
Nice pencil case -Dana
Thanks, I've had it since high school - Me
Gross - Dana
I'm sure she's washed it - Caitlin (always the optimist)
No, never -Me

Then I took an exam and went back to bed.
Well, I've provided you all with enough of a study break. I'm off to use what's left of my flex point at Starbucks!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Well What Did Hilary Swank's Character Do Once She Became Paralyzed?

I just got back from the most amazing show ever--The Mike Peterson Show Christmas Spectacular! And it was spectacular. Thanks to all who came to watch! I hope we were not dissapointed (how could you be with bits like "Dome Alone" and "It's a Wonderful Mike" and "Promote Literacy and get the 'h' out of Christmas").
Not too many interesting/entertaining things have been happening lately, though if they have, I haven't had time to write them down/remember them because it's been one hectic week. Every day, I've had rehearsal, Mike Peterson Show shoots, boxing, homework. This Friday (tomorrow, or technically today considering it is 1:15 a.m.) was going to be especially crazy with boxing then rehearsal then Better Than Ezra concert then the Knott formal. I was a bit crazed so I asked to get out of rehearsal early and to skip boxing, both of which were granted. However, tonight I found out that rehearsal was canceled as was the Knott formal (boo) and all I'm left with is Better than Ezra (which is much better than nothing). So my hectic Friday has turned into mild Friday, which is actually kind of dissapointing. I was just getting used to the crazy busy shedule of devouring grab-in-go in 5 minutes, changing outfits in the blink of an eye, and getting little sleep. I suppose the mild Friday is good since I have to rest up for my big match on Sunday...That's right! The Baraka Bouts (women's boxing matches) are this Sunday at 1:00 (though I'll probably be fighting more around 2). I am so pumped! I've been sparring for about a week now and getting my work outs in and I think I almost broke my nose one time, and I feel ready for the one big match of the year! You should come. It will be awesome. There are 2 really short girls (I swear they have got to be like 4'8'' or something) and they are boxing each other. So if seeing me fight does not sound appealing to you, I bet midget boxing does (oh, you know you've always wanted to see two midgets fight!).
I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself next semester. Boxing will be over. Granted, I'll still have the Mike Peterson Show (sans MP himself), the play, and class, but boxing has become part of my routine. So here's some possibilites of what I can do to fill that void:
-Take lessons to become SCUBA certified
-Take swing dance lessons
-Buy that giant Rice Krispie treat from the huddle (Though that's not really a daily activity)
-Work out at Rolf's (definitely a must to keep in top boxing shape)
-Turn the tables and send oodles of trail mix to my grandma
-Write a novelette
-Find even more pictures of Vince Vaughn to decorate the room with
-Stalk Asian Chick, find out where she lives, and take all her clothes that have writing on them (which is basically her entire wardrobe but I'm sure she doesn't mind being nude, you know, since she's a hooker).
-Sleep (that one's my favorite)
-Make a collage of all the mugshots I took of the girls of 6A.
-Read all of "One Word, Two Words, Hyphenated?"
-Become a master ping pong player
-Write more blog entries
-Feng shui the dorm room
-Build a better mousetrap
-Send a critique letter to the Visor every day
-Find new and interesting ways to use "your mom" as an insult.
-Steal more things from the dining hall (I stole a tray today--I hid it in my big winter coat)
-Go to group help meetings for dining hall kleptomaniacs
-Watch every episode of Family Guy
-Find out why a duck's quack doesn't echo

Ok, I'm out of stuff. I used all my funny up at the MPS tonight. And I'll probably just pick 'sleep' to fill the boxing void, and sleep is what I'm going to do now, so Goodnight to all you bloggers out there. Stay blogalicious.