Friday, October 28, 2005

Italiani Pazzi

Happy Halloween! I love Halloween. This weekend, I'm celebrating the pagan holiday by burning crosses and worshiping the dark lord while playing with a oigi board. Actually, I'm going to an SYR dressed as Marilyn Munroe. Look for pictures to come in my photobucket. They should be fantastic.

I've only been back from fall break for a week, but it feels like much longer. I guess it's because I'm always so busy, I had some Mike Peterson Show shoots this week, which means I'm in next week's show. Everyone should watch the show next week. I'm not even kidding. It's the Halloween special and it's the funniest one yet. It's freakin' amazing! It's on every day next week starting Monday at 4 and 8 on channel 14. Watch it or you're not allowed to be my friend anymore.

Italian class has been especially interesting lately. We're learning the difference between the imperfect verb tense and past participle tense. Carolina, the crazy Polish teacher who doesn't speak much English decided the best way to teach this would be by changing a story from the present to the past. Sounds reasonable enough. This little excercise started out with her holding up pictures of the story and asking us to describe them. Now, I think I should really start wearing my contacts, because when I looked at this picture, all I saw were 3 pink jelly beans walking down a road, so when she asked me to describe it, I became quite confused. I eventually picked up that the 3 jelly beans were really the 3 little pigs and that I am blind. The story continued, and all was going well until Carolina said that after the wolf blew down the first little pig's house, he at the little pig. At this statement, we all paused. One girl asked the question that was on all of our minds. "He doesn't eat the pigs, does he?" Carolina responded (in English, for more emphasis) "That's your version! The wolf eats the stupid pigs in Italy!" Italiani pazzi. After we had finished the slightly violent version of "The Three Little Pigs," Carolina said, "Your homework is to do the same thing with that story about the girl with the red hood." I think she meant "Little Red Riding Hood." All was regular with this story. The next day when we reviewed our homework, Carolina tried to express why we use the imperfect to describe Little Red Riding Hood by saying "Little Red Riding Hood is dead, or at least she doesn't exist anymore." There's no magic or optimism in Italian fairy tales apparently. Of my two professors, Carolina is definitely the crazier one, or maybe I just don't understand Italian. But this one time, I swear she had this conversation with a student.
-Carlolina: "What happened"
-Student: "I don't know"
-Carolina: "A pizza?"
-Student: "Yes."
Like I said, Italiani pazzi.

After Italian class, I have theology, and you all know what happens in theology.....ASIAN CHICK! For a while there, I was quite worried that she had dropped theology, which didn't make sense since it's a requirement. However, I soon realized that she just showed up sporatically and skipped theology a lot. This is probably because going to a class where there is talk of God and morals makes her uneasy due to her proffession, such is the saying "sweating like a whore in Church." So the one day this month that she get could away from the office (the office being a random street corner in Southbend) and decided to show up to theology, she wore a sweatshirt with words on it. Now, I can critique this without even having to talk about what the words said. Why the heck can't this girl buy a single top without writing on it? Is she trying to draw attention to her chest by making people read what's on it? True, that's a crafty advertising campaign, but enough is enough. Her shirt said "Southville Strikers" on it. It looked slightly vintage, so I'm assuming this was her previous place of business. She worked in Southville and "striker" was her nickname, derived from her sexual techniques. Oh, Asian Chick, when will the madness stop? Never, I hope, because then I would have nothing to write about.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm TB Free

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been busy with midterms and such. You know, I do have a life outside entertaining you people. But that life would be empty without your enjoyment from reading about that life.
Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Tour was the most amazing night of my life. The comedians were hilarious and Vince Vaugh was oh-so hot. I got there an hour and a half before it started and got 6th row center seats. Pretty freakin' awesome. In between each comedian, Vince Vaughn would come out with one of his actor buddies, which included the guy who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story (he didn't shoot his eye out), Justin Long from Dodgeball (the cheerleader kid), and the guy who played the gay painter guy in Wedding Crashers. It was amazing. During his bit with Justin Long, Vince Vaughn threw a dodgeball out into the audience. As the dodgeball sailed towards me I reached my hands up. It grazed my fingertips and the guy behind me caught it. So dissapointing. After the show, most people left. Caitlin and I stuck around to see if we could catch a glimpse of Vince Vaughn. While we were waiting, we spotted Brady Quinn, the Irish quarterback. He started walking towards us. We start to (discreetly) freak out. He comes to about 4 feet away from us, stops, turns, and says "hi" to his friends standing near us. As Caitlin and I begin to crawl towards a hole where we can die from embarassment at actually thinking Brady Quinn may be coming over to talk to us, we spot Vince Vaughn! VINCE FREAKIN' VAUGHN! He was just walking around, signing autographs and taking pictures. I had no pen. I had no camera. I had no hope. But I did follow him around like a lost puppy (as did about 50 other people) and stood 2 feet away from him. I could have touched him! He's so tall! I was right next to Vince Vaughn! AHH!! I noticed that Justin Long and the Wedding Crashers guy were just standing around and Justin had a pen. I went up to meet Justin and shook his hand and asked for his autograph. He was really nice and friendly and he said I looked like Jennifer Jason Leigh. I had no idea she was, so later that night I looked her up and realized that this may or may not have been a compliment. In any case, he signed my ticket "Elise, lots of love always, Justin Long." Justin Long has now replaced Vince Vaughn (who seemed rather grumpy with his fans) as my desktop. I also shook hands with the Wedding Crashers guy and told him he was my favorite part of the movie, which may or may not have been true. I left with the biggest smile on my face. I could have died at that moment and been perfectly ok because my life's goal of meeting Vince Vaughn had been fulfilled. I had nothing else to live for. However, I now have a new goal of becoming famous and re-meeting Justin Long and marrying him. We'll see how that pans out.
After the show, I had an SYR to go to. I was an hour late because I spent a lot of time simply running through my hall screaming "I stood next to Vince Vaughn!" In any case, I got ready and went to the dance with Dana and I met up with my date for the night, Steven. All was going well as I was still on a "I just met a celebrity" high. Then Steven pointed out the leprauchaun, or rather, the guy who dresses as the leprauchaun at pep rallies and games. I told Dana he was there and as she was turning her head this way and that to get a glimpse of him, the leprauchaun bumped into her. That was pretty cool.
I was sick for about a week and a half. I had the worst cold of my life. It was absolutely terrible. I started telling people I had tuberculosis, just to convey how bad I felt, though I probably had nothing worse than strep. In gym class, I mentioned to creepy guy that I was sick (he was following me as usual so I figured I'd strike up a conversation) and told him jokingly that I had consumption. Later that day, I went to the health center and found out I just had a really bad cold. Kind of dissapointing for how crappy I felt. I was walking back with my prescription medication and saw creepy guy. He said "Hey, how's it goin'"? And I said "Good! I just got medicine from the health center!" and he goes, with an excited smile on his face "So you really did have TB?!" I said, "No! I have a cold!" He dissapointly said, "Oh, ok," and trudged off. Obviously, he was hoping I had TB so I could join him in his club for "people with strange and rare diseases," his disease, of course, being rabies.
Another famous person came to Notre Dame: Jim Caviezal (the guy who played Jesus in The Passion). He said the Rosary at the Grotto and talked about his faith journey. How very Notre Dame. All these famous people just flock to Notre Dame. Bon Jovi was rumored to come to our pep rally for the USC game, but all we got was the real Rudy (I would have preferred Sean Astin) and Joe Montana (whom I stood in line behind during Frosh-O and I didn't even know who he was). Oh, and about the USC game, I'll just say one thing: The Irish played amazingly and it was an incredible game. But that is the last time that the Trojans will beat Charlie Weis and the Fighting Irish.
Moving on...
I'm on fall break now. I thought it would feel weird being home, but it really doesn't even feel like I left. I didn't expect anything to change, but I expected it to feel different. It just feels like I was at a really really ridiculously long school day or maybe summer camp. If anything has changed, it's that I've developed a better appreciation for the little things, like not having to eat food off a tray. I'm trying to visit with as many people as possible, which isn't too hard, considering most people are still at school. But I saw my grandparents, Tim (who looks so freakin' awesome with his faux hawk), Heather, James, and I visited Hoban, so I'm good.
When I get back to school, my dorm is having a Halloween party and I need a good idea for a costume. I want something clever, pretty, awesome, sexy, interesting, good, etc. So if anyone has any ideas, let me know because right now all I've got is a headband with cat ears on it.
That's it for now, kiddies. I'm off to lounge around my house and enjoy the comforts of cable, my own room, and not having to wear sandles in the shower.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Perks of Being Sober

I think it's time to answer the question that's been on everyone's mind since my last post: What inatimate household objects doubles in weight after 10 years of usage?
Answer: A mattress.
The extra weight is due to all the dirt and sweat. Think about your dorm mattress and how many people have slept on it. Now go ahead and cringe.
Caitlin was the first one to guess this right, but that's probably only because she's my roommate and was able to play 20 questions for quite a while. In any case, Caitlin wins. The prize: being mentioned in my blog. Though this may not seem so fantastic to everyone else, Caitlin is ecstatic about it. Trust me.
Onto other things...
I started a new P.E. class (yes, I have to take gym in college). My first class was self-defense, which involved a lot of eye gouging and groin kicking. There were only 3 males in that class and they seemed kind of shady, like they were taking the class so they could see what a girl would do if they tried to attack her. My new gym class is Fitness for Life, which is your basic gym class with a bunch of useless, repetitive fitness information and games that you never wanted to play. Last class, we ran and played capture the flag. I'm not a big fan of either. However, no matter how bad/slow/lazy/unathletic I think I am, I can always look to this one girl in that class. Now, let me start by saying that I usually do not like to make fun of obese people simply for being obese. However, the situation calls for it. There is a girl in my class who must weigh close to 300 pounds. She shows up to p.e. late, even though her previous class is nearby and she has a bike. The first day of Fitness for Life, we had arrange ourselves in alphabetical order without using words. I have the luxury of simply going to the end of the line without asking questions because my last name conveniently begins with Y. The large girl, however, decided to take the last spot in line. I mouth the words "What is your last name" to her. She responds, in a non-whisper "Murphy." I reply "Oh, we're supposed to be in alphabetical order." She retorts "I don't know how the heck we're supposed to do that without talking. That's just stupid." Fine, Murphy. For your lazy butt, we'll rearrange the alphabet. After getting in alphabetical (or in this case Murphabetical) order, we had to introduce ourselves by saying our names. Murphy's intro went like this: "My name's Sade, but you can call me Smurf." Smurf??? There is nothing small or smurflike about her. We then had to jog 20 yards. No big deal, right? Oh, but it was a big deal for Smurf. She simply stood at the baseline the whole time and refused to run. When we did crunches, she merely laid on the ground. It's one thing to be obese. Some people can't help it. But to be entirely lazy is completely different.
I'm thinking I should just have an "Interesting Person of the Week" whenever I write a new blog entry, because I meet so many interesting people. However, this week I cannot just pick one, because there is another interesting person I must discuss. I've actually already mentioned this person. He is the creepy guy from the Mike Peterson Show writers' meeting who had violent/obscene ideas and looked like the lead singer from the Crash Test Dummies. Anyway, this guy has decided that him and I are best friends. Rapture. I honestly feel uncomfortable around this guy. He really is creepy. The other girl writer for the MPS agrees. Turns out that creepy guy is in my P.E. class (which turns out to have a cornucopia of interesting people in it). I was talking to a rather good-looking boy after P.E., but creepy guy scared him off when he caught up with me walking back and decided that, as best friends, we should talk. So this guy is preventing me from making any other friends in that class. After the last P.E. class, creepy guy decided to tell me all about the time he had rabies because he tried to tackle a woodchuck and it nearly ripped off his thumb. That's the stupidest lie I've ever heard. I don't even want to believe that it could be true, it's so ridiculous. In my opinion, the rabies adds to the creepy factor. The other day, we (MPS writers) were doing a shoot for the MPS. The skit was that the latest fashion trend was the unzipped fly with boxers sticking out. Creepy guy jumped on the opportunity to participate in this skit. I was there to play the girlfriend of one of the unzipped boys. I prayed that it wasn't creepy guy. Fortunately, it wasn't. This made creepy guy quite upset as he declared "By the end of this shoot, I will have a hot girl with me!" Then he glared at me as if I was supposed to jump up and say "Oh! Pick me!" To his dissapointment I said nothing and looked the other way. After the shoot was over, I headed over to the dining hall for dinner with the girls of 6A. Creepy guy followed me. I tentatively asked him who he was meeting at the dining hall, knowing already what the answer would be. He cheerily replied "Oh, I assumed we would eat together." Ok, now don't hate me for what I said next, but let me explain. I told him "Oh, actually, it's girls' night and I'm just eating with some girls from my dorm. Sorry." Exit creepy guy. I know that was horrible, but honestly, this guy makes me really uncomfortable and Caitlin doesn't like him either. I had to tell him to leave. He's quite stalkerish and I don't like him at all. So don't think I'm a terrible person! I didn't learn enough in self-defense class to invite creepy guy to dinner!
On a less catty note, last weekend, I was invited to an SYR. SYR=Screw Your Roommate. Each dorm has an SYR each year. Tradtional SYR form means that your roommate picks a date for you, thus screwing you over if the person sucks. However, most people just pick their own dates. Joe from my Italian class (and from New Jersey--ew, I know) asked me to go. He's pretty good-looking, so I figured why not. The theme for the SYR (they all have themes) was 70s' disco. Therefore, I wore a top with sequins on it. I don't know if that's 70s', but I really like sequins. Joe, on the other hand, raided the thrift store and wore tight plaid pants and a gator-print jacket. I know what you're all thinking: sexy. Anyway, I show up to his dorm about an hour before the party because that's when the pre-partying is happening (aka drinking). Joe and his buddies are already drunk. I join their sober dates on the futon and laugh at them as they belt out N*Sync tunes. Surprisingly, they know all the words and even some of the hand-motions, something they would probably not admit to when sober. The actual party is at a bowling ally off campus and on the bus ride over, I soon find out that Joe is a very complimentary drunk. What he said includes, "I really respect that you don't drink." "You're a really good-looking girl." "I'm the hermit crab racing national champion" "You're not like most girls. You're really cool and you're a good person." In case you were wondering, the hermit crab statement really is true. Bowling was a ton of fun. Actually, the whole night was a lot of fun, but bowling was great simply because I kicked butt. If you've ever bowled with me before, you're probably wondering how this happened. I mean, I won the game and my score was only 90. Well, let's just add bowling skills to one of the many advantages of sobreity.
While at the disco bowl, I met one of Joe's friends, Andres. Andres is a very cool guy and we hit it off. So the following night, we talked and decided to hang out at his dorm. Andres lives five doors down from Joe, so I was planning on going over to say hi to Joe at some point. Unfortunately, my plans were foiled when Andres and I were talking in the hall outside his dorm and Joe walked/stumbled out of his room. I waved. Joe didn't and walked/staggared back into his room. I figured he was just drunk and confused. Monday after Italian class, I asked Joe what he did on Saturday. He replied, "I don't really remember. I was just drinking in the room I guess." I said, "I saw you and waved but you didn't wave back." He said, angrily "Oh that I remember." He then went on to say how I like Andres better than him and how he's used to girls liking other guys more than him and blah blah blah. Quite pathetic. I disputed his claims and that was the end of that.
This Saturday will probably be one of the best days ever. The love of my life is coming to Notre Dame. And I've got tickets. The Vince Vaughn Wild West comedy tour is on Saturday!!! I love Vince Vaughn! His mug shot from when he got arrested for fighting is a bar is my desktop. I hope I'm able to get good seats so I am able to proffess my love to Vince Vaughn. I'll tell you all about my crazy evening with Vince Vaughn in my next blog, or more likely, I'll talk about how I had crapy seats and I went to another SYR after the show.