Monday, May 30, 2005

A message from the new and improved, graduated Elise

Howdy all. It's been a while since I had a new post, and my lone faithful reader, Metzger, reminded me that "Your blog sucks!" and by your, I mean my. And by sucks, she meant "doesn't have any new posts." You know how in the last blog I said I'd explain the snuffing ceremony and tell you what college I'm going to? I lied about the first part. Explaining the snuffing ceremony would take a lot of time and you probably wouldn't read it anyway, but I will tell you that I am going to the University of Notre Dame. I would just casually say Notre Dame, but this has incited a lot of people saying "The one in Cleveland? I got, like, a full ride there!" No, dumbasses, the real Notre Dame with the dome and the fighting irish. Anyway, this little annoyance got me thinking about things I really hate which got me thinking about things I really like. So I'm going to list those things for you now, for your reading pleasure.

Things I Hate:
The word "supper" and just about any word with the "up" sound in it
Cafeteria lines
People who insult my intelligence or the intelligence of others. I know you all are probably sick of me talking about the top ten in the class, but honestly, smart people are awesome. I hate it when someone does really well on their SATs or ACTs and someone else just has to put them down by saying "Oh, those are just tests and they don't really measure your intelligence." or "Smart people don't have any street smarts and I'd so be on the top of the class in street smarts." or "The people at the top really aren't the smartest. They just do their homework" or "Smart people really aren't more motivated or talented than anyone else." Shut up average bitches!!! Sorry, that was strong, I'll tone it down. Everyone who is not uber smart, I bet you're really awesome at something else like a sport or art or sticking your entire fist in your mouth, but DO NOT dim down the accomplishments of smart people by saying they aren't really that important or whatever. You know you're just doing it to make yourself feel better and you know you wish you were that smart. I'm not saying smart people are nicer or better people, because there are quite a few smart jerks, but they are smart, so let them have that! It's their thing! ok I'll move on.
Guys who do not hold doors for girls.
When you tell someone a problem of yours, and instead of helping you out, they say "The same thing happened to me, but worse!" and go into their own problems.
Girls who act dumb to get the attention of a guy
People who turn everything into a sexual inuendo
Amusement parks
Extreme animal rights activists
Slackers, lolligagers, and all generally lazy people
Self-centered people whom you try to start a conversation with by asking so many questions about them, but they never ask anything about you.
Parents who abandon their children
When a swingset jumps when you swing to high
The smell of dead flowers
People who don't RSVP
People who don't know anything about pop culture
People who know too much about pop culture
People who cut in lines
When little kids cry
The name, Logan
When someone has no passion for something, in other words, boring people
Things I Like
Razzamataz (haha just kidding)
Animals, specifically fuzzy ones
Random funny comments
Disney World
Ice cream
When strangers smile at you
Random acts of kindness
Kangaroos and the amount of kangaroo scrotum being sold on eBay
Silly String
Friendly aquaintances: those people who aren't really your friends but their definitely more than aquaintances and they just help the day go along.
The Visor, even though sometimes I hated it
My family
Metzger, because she reads my blog and tells me when its crappy
Inside jokes, like Jessica Flavin
People who eat meat
Teens who don't drink, smoke, or have sex, and I'm not talking about the kids who don't have a choice because they couldn't get any of the above anyway
Lazy days when its raining and you just lay around watching movies

The words "fooey" and "pants"
Staying up late with friends
Summer lovin' and the movie Grease
Comments on my blog, especially nice ones
A bunch of other stuff