So, I got death threats about the last one and I was accused of trying to start a war so I'll try to keep this blog ethnically neutral. FYI: That last entry was not at all serious and was just a joke stemming from a funny conversation among friends. And I'm Irish, too so I don't hate Irish people! I just like pasta! Anyway....I'm Henry VIII I AmHerman's Hermits(Murray/Weston)- written in 1911- popularized in England by Harry ChampionI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am Im Henry Viii I Am LyricsArtist: Herman's HermitsI'm Henry VIII I AmHerman's Hermits(Murray/Weston)- written in 1911- popularized in England by Harry ChampionI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am Second verse same as the firstI'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I am------ lead guitar ------I'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was an Henry (Henry)She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)I'm her eighth old man, I'm HenryHenry the eighth I amH-E-N-R-YHenry (Henry)Henry (Henry)Henry the eighth I am, I amHenry the eighth I amYeah!
Hope this blog was not offensive to anyone. It may have been obnoxious, but that's better than offensive. By the way, the "Henry" is pronounced "Henery." So don't go singing any two-syllable Henrys because you'll just look crazy. Coming soon to this blog: my theory on killing puppies!
Monday, February 28, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Italians vs. the Irish
So I got into this discussion with James one day about who is better...Italians or Irish people? Don't ask me how this conversation started, but trust me, I've had much weirder ones. Anyway, James took the side of the leprauchauns and I went with the Italians, even though I am also Irish, German, and Polish. Speaking of Polish people, I have a funny joke. So there's an English couple, an Irish couple, and a Polish couple eating breakfast. The English man says to his wife "Pass the sugar, sugar." The Irish man says to his wife "Pass the honey, honey." And the stupid Pole says to his wife, "Pass the bacon, pig!" But I digress. James and I eventually dropped the conversation, he claims it was because he had to go somewhere, but I know its because I was winning and that's because Elise always wins, but that is for a later blog. Anyway, I was all fired up with good arguments for the Italians so I took it up with my mom, who also supported the Italians, not being Irish at all, though she is somewhat Polish. Now with even more pro-Italian arguments, I took the debate to school and asked Melissa, Dave, Amelia, and Margaret their opinions. Melissa had no opinion I don't think. Dave just said Irish because he's a Notre Dame whore. Amelia said Italian because she likes pasta or something. And I think Margaret may have said Irish because she is Irish...I mean her sisters' names are Bridget and Dalaney! The only thing that could make that family more Irish is if we stuck a shamrock in their green top hats and chased them for their lucky charms. Anyway, I still firmly believe that Italians are way better and here is why:
-Italian is a better language than Galiac or whatever jibberish the Irish speak
-Italian's have wine appreciation while the Irish are just a bunch of drunks.
-Italian's have better food; stromboli, pasta, meatballs...mmmm. What do the Irish have? Potatoes! Oh wait, they ran out because of a famine and got so depressed that all they did was drink and now they're a bunch of drunks.
-Italian's have much better fashion. Irish people have leprauchauns.
-Italians are much more beautiful than the Irish. Irish people are freckly and have no eyelashes and every redhead I've met has been a fairly unsavory person.
-Italians have the Pope, who presides over the entire Catholic church. The Irish have Lucky, who gaurds his cereal from those marshmellow snatching hooligans.
-Italy has better architecture.
-Mafia vs. Sheleliegh stick...I would certainly place bets on who would win this fight. The Mafia would totally kick a sticks ass. And there is no such thing as the Irish mafia because they stop at a pub and get too drunk before they whack someone.
-Italians have The Godfather Trilogy, which is cinematic genius. The Irish have Angela's Ashes, which is a real downer. You just want to shoot yourself after seeing that movie. The Italians, though, will just shoot you for you!
-Italian clubs and classes abound in schools. You never see an Irish club or class.
If you're not convinced by now that Italians are better than Irish people, then send me your reasons that Irish people are better. I'm sure they're not very good and I probably won't post them, but send them anyway so you feel like you have friends to send stuff to. And if you have any more reasons why Italians are better, send those and I probably will post them. I would like to end this enlightening blog with a joke:
-Italian is a better language than Galiac or whatever jibberish the Irish speak
-Italian's have wine appreciation while the Irish are just a bunch of drunks.
-Italian's have better food; stromboli, pasta, meatballs...mmmm. What do the Irish have? Potatoes! Oh wait, they ran out because of a famine and got so depressed that all they did was drink and now they're a bunch of drunks.
-Italian's have much better fashion. Irish people have leprauchauns.
-Italians are much more beautiful than the Irish. Irish people are freckly and have no eyelashes and every redhead I've met has been a fairly unsavory person.
-Italians have the Pope, who presides over the entire Catholic church. The Irish have Lucky, who gaurds his cereal from those marshmellow snatching hooligans.
-Italy has better architecture.
-Mafia vs. Sheleliegh stick...I would certainly place bets on who would win this fight. The Mafia would totally kick a sticks ass. And there is no such thing as the Irish mafia because they stop at a pub and get too drunk before they whack someone.
-Italians have The Godfather Trilogy, which is cinematic genius. The Irish have Angela's Ashes, which is a real downer. You just want to shoot yourself after seeing that movie. The Italians, though, will just shoot you for you!
-Italian clubs and classes abound in schools. You never see an Irish club or class.
If you're not convinced by now that Italians are better than Irish people, then send me your reasons that Irish people are better. I'm sure they're not very good and I probably won't post them, but send them anyway so you feel like you have friends to send stuff to. And if you have any more reasons why Italians are better, send those and I probably will post them. I would like to end this enlightening blog with a joke:
An Irish man walks past a bar.
This is NOT a lame blog intro
I don't like introductions so I've decided that I'm just going to jump right into writing my blog. I don't think I have to explain to you or that you care to know how I decided to create a blog, though the Visor story was an inspiration, as well as Colleen's blog. I also probably don't need to tell you that I don't plan on taking other's people's feelings into consideration when I make blog entries, because, who does? And you probably could deduce that I'm going to talk about all my opinions that I feel just have to be shared with the world and that I welcome responses to these opinions as long as they are not nasty or contain viruses. But you had this all figured out because this is just a basic, normal, regular blog, which is why I have no use for an intro so I refuse to write one. You can't make me. I just won't do it! I won't even give you background information about myself, like that I have brown hair and a dog and my favorite movie is Forrest Gump, because if you are reading this, you probably already knew that. So, no intro here! Sorry to dissapoint all you intro lovers, but you'll have to go find some lame, cookie-cutter blog for your silly, uninformative intro!
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